Change Management
Individual coaching and organisational support for a positive change process.
The Female Alchemist provides a wide range of change management services as a qualified Change Agent (ProSci and Change Agent Skills and Strategies , University of Surrey). Whether individual change through coaching and membership or on an organisational level, The Female Alchemist has guided clients through mergers, restructures, team alignment and overall cultural change.
Several change models are applied throughout the management process including Transactional Analysis as a way of understanding the way people and teams are impacted by change. Including teams in the change process is a critical part of our approach to ensure staff buy-in throughout the process.
The Female Alchemist offers specialist advice within a HR capacity, managing TUPE consultations and, when necessary, redundancy consultations. These processes are all person-centred, with staff empowered with information and opportunities for involvement. Similarly, ‘cultural change’ often involves the team for a period of time to develop key team members as change agents themselves.

The Female Alchemist defines ‘successful change’ as delivering outcomes as required, providing sustainability, and bringing the team along for the journey. Bottom line is change should never feel like it’s being ‘done to you’.
- Whole-team approach to change management
- Using Transactional Analysis together with a range of change models for a bespoke service
- Focus on sustainable and positive change
- Managing cultural change to ensure team is ready to meet new challenges
- Option of mentoring senior managers to support implementation of change process

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